Food Sensitivities 101

Food Sensitivities 101

Food sensitivities are super common with autoimmune diseases, and they can actually make your disease symptoms worse. These sensitivities can be pretty hard to figure out because reactions are usually delayed, and they mimic many symptoms that come with autoimmune...
Spring Clean Your Anti-Inflammatory Pantry

Spring Clean Your Anti-Inflammatory Pantry

April is spring cleaning month! Whether or not you eat an autoimmune-friendly diet or not, it’s probably time to spring clean out your pantry and swap out some old with some new. I love using this month as an excuse to purge all of the excess stuff from my life and...
The Science Behind Fasting

The Science Behind Fasting

What is the science behind fasting? In the video below, I’m discussing what fasting does inside our bodies to our metabolism and why there are so many benefits to fasting.   The obvious benefit of fasting is what happens to energy production in your body. But there...
Intermittent Fasting: The Basics

Intermittent Fasting: The Basics

Intermittent fasting is something that I get asked about a lot. Almost every single client of mine has asked me “should I fast?” “Does it work?” “Can it help reduce inflammation?” “What about weight loss?” So today...
The Exercise and Inflammation Connection

The Exercise and Inflammation Connection

Did you know that exercise can actually reduce inflammation? Moving your body every day is a great way to feel better and improve your mood. In addition to those benefits, you can reduce your chronic inflammation with exercise. One of the best side effects of exercise...