Earth Day 2020: Your Food Choice Matters

Earth Day 2020: Your Food Choice Matters

Earth Day is a time to reflect on this incredible planet we inhabit and what we can do to ensure that we protect our forever home for centuries to come. I’ve been thinking more about our planet lately as my children are becoming more interested in outer space. When I...
Prevent Overeating During the Holidays

Prevent Overeating During the Holidays

Holidays are a time for celebration and gathering with friends and family. Celebration also means a lot of food, drinks, and indulgence. For those who are trying to improve their health, holidays can be a very stressful time. Navigating the holiday season without...
Nutrition On-the-Go!

Nutrition On-the-Go!

Summer is a peak travel time, and one of my favorite reasons to travel is to try new and interesting food. However, traveling is not an excuse to throw good habits out the window, especially if you are actively trying to make positive changes. Traveling can also be...
Nutrition On-the-Go!

What is Intuitive Eating?

Intuitive Eating (IE) has been popping up recently in the news and in research studies. I am a supporter of IE and work with clients who are interested in this path. But what exactly is IE and who can it benefit? Intuitive Eating was developed by two Registered...